Introducing Challenge Mode Awards

December 5, 2023

With the release of v3.6.0 we’re introducing a new type of profile award — Challenge Mode Awards! Display your mastery of Golf Blitz’s special challenge modes by unlocking the award for each mode weekly!


How do I unlock the different awards?
You can earn the bronze award by winning 12 games in the same amateur challenge, silver for 12 pro wins or the gold award for completing the challenge mode on both tiers

What if the special challenge mode ends before I collect 12 wins?
In order to earn the award your wins must all come from the same challenge event. You may notice some of your stars are semi-transparent if they came from an earlier event and completing 12 wins with any transparent stars will not unlock the award.

What about past completions?
We’re only counting new challenge wins from this point forward. While many players have the Challenge themed golfers from completing challenges, those can also be obtained from packs, trading or the shop so they aren’t exclusively from completing challenges.

How many are there?
Currently there are 33 different awards to collect! But we add more modes regularly.